Publikationen / Nach Element / Lanthaniden / Praseodym (Pr)

K.P. Zhernosekov, D.V. Filosofov, S.M. Qaim, F. Rösch.
A 140Nd/140Pr radionuclide generator based on physico-chemical transitions in 140Pr complexes after electron capture decay
of 140Nd-DOTA
Radiochim Acta 95 (2007) 319-327.

H. Uusijärvi, P. Bernhardt, H. Mäcke, F. Rösch, E. Forssell-Aronsson.
Electron and positron-emitting radiolanthanides for therapy – A dosimetric and production evaluation
J Nucl Med 47 (2006) 807-814.